Wednesday, November 12, 2014

43200000 Seconds of Awesome Life with Summer

I'm Stressed out, I can't do this anymore, often said with extreme frustration during difficult times. Five minutes later, Summer sun, everlasting warmth settles you down giving that mild breeze cleansing the sourness of doubt and stiffness.

Summer is amazing, Summer is honest, Summer is Real, all the right ingredients to make one happy for a lifetime. Summer is a definite keeper. There's summer rain, which is cool, not all the time though. Sometimes it's hard to imagine why it happens. It just happens. Things don't always happen for a reason, which I believed in like a prayer, almost became my religion until I experienced Summer.

Summer is Generous, Summer is Kind, Summer is warm, best attributes for greatness, keeps you on the loop to appreciate the small things in life. Sun Rises, Sun Sets - it's definitely a handful with summer. A constant encouragement to live life to the fullest.

Summer is glamorous, Summer is contagious, Summer is blissful, a Terrible liar - mark of a faithful companion. Always a blessing, always will be, summer is all seasons combined for me. Awesome indeed. Never looking back except for the awesomeness, my 500 days of summer. Not the movie, not a dream. But the journey - of contentment.

Summer is also - Peace. inner peace with Joy where this photo won't do justice.

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