Saturday, December 3, 2022

A whisper from a Phantom

With So much hope I carried you home

home of mine, I live alone

I love the darkness echoes around

As you came in, its yet to be found

I cover myself with this hideous face,

but I'm instantly cured by your beauty and grace

Carried you home, with immense hesitation

I had no plan, only innocent persuasion

Fallen Angel of that I'm sure

Am I her destiny? , A carcass has no cure

Her eyes shine concurring the darkness in whole

while her melodious voice remains to sooth my broken soul

Mask I wear to hide myself from her

Simple words I say to connect and confer 

With this darkness around, this phantom can only say

My heart is the only thing I can
offer, with no hope I whisper, you to stay...

 ~ Inspired by the phantom of the opera

9th September 2011

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