Monday, November 17, 2014

Karma Sutra

Familiar breath of Fresh air evenly polluted with Carbon monoxide, Dust and many other micro particles that I'm not really privileged to differentiate the unique flavours with my partially functioning sensors. 
Familiar Traffic, there's always a way out with even if the retarded Kossa (Policeman) has no clue of maintaining the traffic without creating traffic Jams.
Familiar Toyota faces of Lankans, which reminds me of the Chinese if they were a little recognizable. well maybe not..
Familiar Sunshine on my brown skin, Piercing through it, making myself deep (Quote from -Mr Rimaz), then, even before I could enjoy the true essence of it - comes the almighty rain makes you do nothing but sleep all day. In my case, I get wet quite often, cuz I'm just an ordinary man with an ordinary Bike.


It's interesting that I live in a Buddhist Country, that belongs to the people of this country which includes me unfortunately to all the racist friends. Anyway that is called Karma in some way. If i had it any other way with the deeds i could've done probably would be living in a luxurious Castle in Malibu California. I'm pretty sure my people are very familiar with the term - Karma.

It is also interesting how Lankans under-estimates Karma. We still do have a pretty good literacy rate that we can be proud of a little higher than the rate of suicides. However, to define Karma we have gone to the extent of using Sinhala proverbs, 

Kala kala de pala pala de - You get what you give
Uda pannoth bima watei - If you jump you'll fall down

Don't get me wrong this post doesn't carry out a message of any sort but it does help you to understand to think before you act or before you make a decision in life, because like Newton says "every action has an equal and an opposite reaction", What he forgot to mention was the aftermath of the reaction, if its a good action you'll get gifts from Santa during Christmas or if its not a good action that you performed then well err..that's it my friend unfortunately life can be a bitch. True Story. Don't ask me ask Adolf Hitler, oh yeah he's dead now isn't he?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

43200000 Seconds of Awesome Life with Summer

I'm Stressed out, I can't do this anymore, often said with extreme frustration during difficult times. Five minutes later, Summer sun, everlasting warmth settles you down giving that mild breeze cleansing the sourness of doubt and stiffness.

Summer is amazing, Summer is honest, Summer is Real, all the right ingredients to make one happy for a lifetime. Summer is a definite keeper. There's summer rain, which is cool, not all the time though. Sometimes it's hard to imagine why it happens. It just happens. Things don't always happen for a reason, which I believed in like a prayer, almost became my religion until I experienced Summer.

Summer is Generous, Summer is Kind, Summer is warm, best attributes for greatness, keeps you on the loop to appreciate the small things in life. Sun Rises, Sun Sets - it's definitely a handful with summer. A constant encouragement to live life to the fullest.

Summer is glamorous, Summer is contagious, Summer is blissful, a Terrible liar - mark of a faithful companion. Always a blessing, always will be, summer is all seasons combined for me. Awesome indeed. Never looking back except for the awesomeness, my 500 days of summer. Not the movie, not a dream. But the journey - of contentment.

Summer is also - Peace. inner peace with Joy where this photo won't do justice.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Simply Blessed to Hit the big 30

Team India beats all odds to win the World Dance championship. As strange as it may sound Happy new year is one hell of a hilarious movie. So a quick re-cap on an important three Zero, Dirty thirty.

Waking up late - √
Going to a mosque - √
Feeding the pigeons - √
Feeding more pigeons - √
Talking to a strange lady with Pon Pon's mother - √
Having chicken buriyani with Crab - √
Having more buriyani - √
Watching a Hindi movie, close up - √
killing time - √
killing more time - √
Surprising the people who were supposed to surprise me - √
Cake face job with foam - √
Hanging out with homies at home away from home drinking milk - √

So after all these events, all I can say is turning 30 is pretty Epic. You can see it from the twinkle in my eyes. Yes look closely.Thank you for all the wishes, pleasant thoughts and as well as for keeping me in your lives. I'm truly blessed.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Potato with a Japanese Soul

The night sky was simply amazing, never knew the sky would transform into such a mesmerizing sight in the middle of the sea. I can remember Nikki asking me to cover as many sun sets and sun rises as possible. I think I managed about 5 in total. Well all I can say is - "Dude you gotta see this". 

I was with peaceful thoughts, Loafing around thinking "This is too cool to be true". Was high with life. Salty breeze piercing through the normality in life, merely exposing its shameless effect on the sunset, gave me self contentment. That day at that moment felt that how privileged I was to be on that boat, a well deserved journey seeking nothing but experience to enhance the bucket list. Tick.

Music - is instrumental in adding a little glamour to life, through the Good times and the bad times. These are however, super awesome times. Honestly, even Mozart couldn't have done a better job. I missed the actual show because of our heavy learning schedule. But this was perfect, A fellow Potato under the shadowed sky listening to Japanese souls next to an awesome wing-woman. Life couldn't have been better. 

14th Shall set you free!

People ask me why I like theatre so much, why am I so passionate about it. Honestly I cannot describe the satisfaction I get when I'm on stage. Now its quite different though, I get goosebumps when my Team is on stage. Its like seeing the results of my efforts, Its like parents seeing children making them proud. I mean super proud! I take more pride in that now.

Directing my 14th Forum theatre production was indeed a memorable one, with the excitement throughout the week and the excitement of the after party!. The day started horribly with Tariq, missing the Van! - excuse, oversleeping! well don't be surprised its just Tariq.
I almost threw up in the van because the restless driver really loved his breaks, or was he falling asleep? couldn't quite figure that out. But all in all It was fun talking about the past adventures and making people laugh despite the puke control. 

Lunch, woah! it was surprisingly awesome, everyone was super hungry. Abdulla and the team ate like there was no tomorrow. His idea was - eat, throw up - eat some more!. Thank God it wasn't a buffet, although I was a little worried when he went for his third serving.

Waiting for Tariq was terrible, so just for fun, asked everyone to call him every 5 mins. Finally he made it with his face full of his goofy grin. Strangely enough, the next 60km was a another 3 hr drive. So did a quick gabble/ run through while dressing up, because we thought we were late but apparently we weren't. Got in 2 hours before the show which gave us ample time to fool around. We got a nice comfortable room until Abdulla again almost ruined it with his free flowing rear side. Fortunately Thilanka Saved us all with his magic spray - yes we all started to smell the same after that.

Now we were prepared, Focused, determined so had to come up with a war cry.. as goofy as it may sound, our war cry was Maaaaaaaa-Zinnngaaaa!. We were so pumped up, we did the maa-zingaa with the lawyers too, during the ice breaker. how cool was that? It’s goofy but definitely cool! 

Showtime - Everyone was amazing, Hasara, Zaid and Tariq were superstars with their 'Producer mode" if you know what I mean. ;) Tracy and Shehara were awesome being themselves most importantly being women. Thilanka, Nishy and Abdulla were knocking some serious balls with their super neutral ways. As a director couldn't have asked for a better deal. Even Shanaka was amazing. These guys rocked the place with their God given acting skills. Deservingly the last comment (Not the anthima final one) was done by the CJ who congratulated for a good and a meaningful show. The best thing about it was that it was done by his own will, so we believe that we served the purpose. We even got a strange token of appreciation. "A porcelain hand". No one knew what it was all about. until Shehara wanted to use it to eat and to wash her back after a dump, I sincerely hope 'the hand' is not part of one of those crazy lawyer jokes though.
The conclusion - was epic, celebration with bourbon milk, black milk and Karapincha leaves, Laughed like there was no tomorrow. I can barely remember why we laughed, something about Nishy's soup and lollipop. Another reason why we should call up a meeting to find out what in the blue hell happened. 
All in all we agree that its a start of a new adventure - Freedom Theatre Production with this crazy bunch. Thank you for an epic time guys.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pong Pong's Mother

I love the way you move.
you are most lovely,
tender lips,
gentle kiss,
that's the rush coincide,
heavenly wishful dream,

GoD's Gift

Like a gentle soothing breeze
Piercing the summer sun,
Her Affection,
Morning Sun,
Sun-set is overrated.
She whispers,
Her affection
So Real,
Reaches Beyond
But No Tomorrow
Cherish Today -
That's her,
My Precious.

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