Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Super Heroes in the Ordinary World - #2 Crazy Platty

This blog post is about Manesh Jerome Christhumani.
He likes to be known as a Professional Trainer. But to be honest he can be many things - a singer, musician, Preacher, Batsman, keeper, bowler, social worker you name it. For me he's a really good friend, in fact he is one of my best friends.

Our history goes back to the school days when we used to be in the same class. We both did science subjects for our A/L's without a clue on what's going on. That's why we used to hangout with several other friends at Manesh's place - Studying ofcourse ;) We were very focused on passing the exam therefore we visited his place on a regular basis. Anyhow conveniently ignoring the outcome I’d like to mention that none of us were really worried about it.

Even though our lives had different pathways leading to different directions after leaving school, almost all the time you'd find him being very active and very busy. I've never seen him say 'no' to people unless it's food. Despite this hectic lifestyle , Platty (that's what I call him now) and I always managed to find time to hangout.

Platty has many significant qualities, he is genuine, honest, loyal etc. But most of all you cannot ignore his Big Heart. He's one of the most generous people I've ever met. Its sometimes overwhelming to comprehend. When we were in Australia, We did a lot of shopping in K-Mart, I managed to keep my luggage down to 1kg less than the quota but he - had 25kg extra luggage buying gifts for people, over using his credit card. He only bought himself a bag for 2 dollars to take those gifts.

Anyway for me his best quality is his optimism. At one point in my life due to several twists and turns I had very little self esteem, I never believed in myself to do anything. But he saved my life by bringing in some positivity. His simple encouragements inspired me and made me realize I can be at a better place than where I was at that time.  Now, I've become somebody with those humble beginnings.

You may question me, Why is he a super hero? Its simple really, because he has the power to inspire people including myself. Now that is something hard to do.

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